C&CS catalysts and chemical specialties GmbH

C&CS catalysts and chemical specialties GmbH (www.candcs.de) distributes catalysts, sorbents and chemical specialties since more than 15 years. C&CS started inside an applied material science laboratory - GWP Gesellschaft für Werkstoffprüfung mbH – with experience in developing heterogenously catalyzed processes for applications like DeNOx, reforming, VOC, toxic waste and edible oils. Successful developments are “Ad Blue” active components, non-precious metal total oxidation catalysts, full metal catalysts for reforming, NF3 capture and PSA. The business was started by supplying small amounts of commercial catalysts and modifying catalysts on customer needs. C&CS catalysts and chemical specialties GmbH, as a spin-off of GWP mbH in 2015, is now a supplier of 50 different products for reforming, oxidation, hydrogenation, gas purification, gas conditioning, adsorption, filtration & separation and environmental catalysis. Hundreds of tons of catalysts, adsorbents and chemical specialties are on stock for immediate delivery.
Served industries are energy, chemistry, heat treatment of metals and transportation as well as the related research institutes. C&CS has an expert knowledge in diverse industrial processes and a special expertise in the chemical analysis of catalysts as well as in the related feed and product composition under optimum operating conditions of catalytic processes. Moreover, C&CS provides reactor engineering for micro and pilot plant testing of catalysts and sorbents. In addition, an appropriate database on heterogeneous catalysis helps C&CS to find customized solutions with added value.