Universidad de Zaragoza

The University of Zaragoza was founded in 1542 and presently consists of 11 faculties, 1 school of engineering, 6 technical schools, 55 departments and 5 research institutes. More than 30.000 students (40% in science and technology) are attending the 48 graduate level programs and 51 post‐graduate academic programs that cover a wide range of fields such as: humanities and arts, social sciences, health sciences, experimental sciences and technological sciences.
The execution of the proposed project will be developed within the installations of the Nanoscience Institute of Aragon (INA, http://ina.unizar.es/), which was founded in 2003 at the request of the University of Zaragoza with the aim to group together the growing multidisciplinary research activities in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The Nanoscience Institute of Aragon (INA) is one of the leading Centres on Nanoscience in Spain with more than 140 scientists including 18 qualified technicians. Since its foundation, the INA is boosting the applied research in order to drive commercialization of new nanoscience discoveries through technology transfer and the creation of new spin-off companies. Since 2003 the INA has licensed 21 patents. As part of the infrastructures, the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA) is worth mentioning. It represents a unique initiative by MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) as a Singular Scientific-Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) in Spain to carry out R&D work of international excellence. Its aim is to provide the scientific community with the most advanced existing equipment and infrastructures in local probe and electron microscopy for the observation and characterization.
The membrane group from INA (led by Joaquín Coronas (PI) and Carlos Téllez) in charge of MEMBER at UNIZAR has experience in the synthesis of porous materials (silicates and zeolites and MOFs) and in their application in both continuous and mixed matrix membranes for gas separation, nanofiltration, membrane reactor and pervaporation.